01793 721 112 info@theadhesivecompany.co.uk
01793 721 112
Our company offers a wide range of hot melt adhesives to suit many applications. These include; PACKAGING HOT MELT:
These adhesives fall into 4 main categories:
White Resin EVA:
Tan Resin EVA:
Low Melt EVA:
All products available in granular and pearl format
Suitable for auto-vac feed systems.
Choosing your adhesive can be made easier with a little guidance. Important facts listed below, will help you choose a product that best suits your needs.
EVA based hot melts have been the mainstay adhesives for years, particularly for end of line packaging and book binding. Mostly light tan in appearance, they are good performing products.
Some formulations are available using white resins etc, adding cosmetic value where the bond line is visible. Favoured by book binders when spine gluing.
Metalocene based hot melts are the latest generation in adhesive technolgy.
This chart shows typical examples of thermal degradation
We also supply a range of Pressure Sensitive adhesives for E-Commerce, Labelling, Anti Slip Pallet Stabilization and Product Assembly. These products are available in mini pillow format for fast melt and ease of handling. Most products available from stock on 1 to 2 day lead-time.